Diversity recruiting is the practice of intentionally seeking out and hiring individuals from underrepresented or marginalized groups in order to create a more diverse workforce. The goal of diversity recruiting is to ensure that organizations have a workforce that reflects the broader population and to create an inclusive workplace where individuals of all backgrounds feel valued and supported.
Underrepresented groups can include people of different races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, ages, religions, and abilities. Organizations may use a variety of strategies to attract and recruit diverse candidates, such as job postings on websites or platforms that target specific communities, attending job fairs or events that cater to underrepresented groups, or partnering with community organizations or educational institutions.
Traditional recruiting methods, such as relying on employee referrals, recruiting from the same pool of universities, or using standard job boards, can lead to a lack of diversity in the candidate pool. This can result in a homogenous workforce and limit the organization's ability to tap into a wider range of skills and experiences.
To counter this, organizations can employ diversity recruiting methods that intentionally seek out candidates from underrepresented groups. This can include partnering with organizations or schools that serve diverse communities, attending job fairs or events focused on diverse candidates, or using diversity-focused job boards or recruitment platforms. By broadening the recruiting sources, organizations can tap into a wider pool of talent and increase the chances of finding qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds.

Diversity recruiting is not just about meeting quotas or filling a checklist, but it is about creating a culture of inclusivity where everyone feels welcome and valued, and where a range of perspectives and experiences can contribute to the success of the organization.
Here are some do's and don'ts that every business should keep in mind when doing diversity recruiting:
Educate yourself and your team on issues related to diversity and inclusion.
Use inclusive language in job postings and recruitment materials.
Expand your recruiting sources to include organizations, job boards, and platforms that serve underrepresented groups.
Make diversity and inclusion a priority in the hiring process, including creating diverse interview panels and offering diversity training to hiring managers.
Promote your commitment to diversity and inclusion on your company website and social media channels.
Create a welcoming and inclusive workplace culture by providing opportunities for professional development and growth for all employees.
Be transparent about your diversity and inclusion efforts and hold yourself accountable to measurable goals.

Assume that all candidates from underrepresented groups have the same experiences or backgrounds.
Use quotas or prioritize diversity over qualifications when making hiring decisions.
Tokenize or treat diverse candidates as a checkbox to be checked off.
Assume that hiring one diverse candidate will solve all diversity and inclusion issues in your organization.
Use language or engage in behaviors that may create barriers for underrepresented groups during the recruiting process.
Ignore or downplay the importance of diversity and inclusion in your organization.
Fail to evaluate your diversity recruiting efforts or adjust your strategies if they are not producing the desired results.
Creating a more inclusive and diverse workforce requires a commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive workplace culture and providing equal opportunities for all employees to thrive and succeed.